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When you get a new dog, after the excitement of welcoming the new member of the family, whether it’s a puppy or an older dog, the first question that comes into your mind is “how do I train...

The dogs in our lives become as much a part of the family as our children, in fact, sometimes we consider them our babies. We pamper them, play with them and spend lots of time with them. But when you...

We can find innumerable “Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds” lists on the web, talking about what are considered the most dangerous dogs in the world. We have all heard and seen news about...

Today, pets are considered members of the family. Our dogs and cats are like our children and we have to keep up with their vet visits and general care. But if you have pets, you have to be aware of the...

A wolfdog, or what I call the incredible wolf-dog hybrid (because I just adore wolves and dogs), is the result of a wolf and dog mix and as a matter of fact, the domestic dog has been re-categorized as...

I think all cat owners have made this mistake: they go to the shelter or rescue and choose the cutest cat in the bunch, without even considering its temperament or personality. Then it turns out the cat...

When you decide to bring a new dog into your life, it helps to know its temperament, what’s the breed’s normal behavior, what are its characteristics, etc. Some dogs are great for kids, when...
Life With Cats

Cats are naturally curious and active creatures, and with so many different...

Cats are highly communicative animals and the way your cat moves its tail is...

Lately I have been talking to a lot of people that have just found out their...

Cat owners are growing more responsible every day and do their best to keep...

Watch any cat for a few minutes, and if he or she’s awake, you’ll see...

Even the most ardent fan of the feline species has to admit that cats can be...

Regularly grooming your cat can help reduce hair ball problems and can ensure...

While cleaning out the litter box is not a wonderful chore that anyone enjoys,...
All Articles...Life With Dogs

Have you ever heard of the BBD Syndrome? No, it’s not a recognized disease...

Yeah, it can be quite a scare, but when there is blood in a dog’s stool...

Children love dogs and dogs usually love children. When the two can interact...

Some dog health issues must be addressed by a qualified veterinarian. Having...

When you bring home a new puppy or dog, especially if you are a first time...

You bring home your new canine friend and now it’s when the work begins....

Dogs need their exercise just like people do. Regular exercise helps your dogs...

When you have a child, you have a responsibility to introduce him or her to...
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Accidents happen, and sometimes it’s our pets that get in trouble. They can drown, choke, get electrical shocks, lose consciousness, stop breathing, etc. If something like this happens, it’s...

All animal lovers believe that their pets understand most of what they say to them, but it is a proven fact that both dogs and cats are capable of learning human language, not to the extent a child does,...

The Summer months are very unpleasant for all of us, right? We tend to look for air conditioned buildings, or go to the beach and cool off by the ocean, or the pool. Imagine how it would be to be outside,...

You want to adopt a pet, but how do you decide if you want a dog or a cat? Well, the obvious answer lies within you: are you a “dog person”, or a “cat person”? Most people already...

Thanks to all the new preventive medicine we can count on, our pets live longer, healthier lives, so much so that now some of the most severe medical issues pets can have are related to their dental health....

How awful it is when you get an itch in your back and you can’t get to it! Well, once in a while your dog or your cat needs to scratch an itch, and we have to investigate the reason why it is happening. What...

We could spend years debating why are cats and dogs different? But, the answer is easy… they are different species. While it can take weeks to train a cat to “come” or “sit”,...

What do you do if you are driving and all of a sudden you see a dog or a cat roaming alone on the street? If you’re an animal lover, I know this is a heart wrenching situation. Do you rescue it or...

Our pets live rather short lives, so it’s inevitable that at one point we have to go through the grief of losing one of our best friends. The pain is very intense… don’t let any one make...

I’m sure you’ve heard of it, unless you’ve been in Mars for the past couple of decades, but I’d like to give you my own description of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is the ancient practice...