Neutering or Spaying Your New Dog
If you are having doubts about neutering or spaying your new dog, you have to consider the benefits for his or her health and for both your lives.
Male dogs are not “manly” and female dogs do not “need” to have puppies.
There are people (usually men… no offense, guys) that actually think that keeping their dog’s testicles intact is manly, both for the dog and for the owner… sometimes, people go as far as to have prosthetic testicles inserted for their neutered dogs. To each it’s own, but… really?
Also, breeding a dog is not necessarily better for the animal, neither male nor female, and it certainly can make dogs much more difficult to manage if they are not neutered.
Unless there is a specific reason to breed your dog, it should be neutered or spayed at an early age to prevent pregnancies, avoid aggressive male behavior, and even lessening the possibilities of some forms of cancer.
It’s normally recommended that the dog gets neutered between 2 and 6 months old. Of course, there is always a small risk associated with any sort of surgery, but it’s riskier to own a dog with an aggressive sex drive. Another reason to do it early, is that younger pups manage through the surgery option much better than older dogs. The surgery is very simple and can be performed in a matter of minutes.
Now, let’s clarify some myths:
Early neutering or spaying does not stunt growth. That’s a myth propagated by breeders and others who don’t want to spay their animals.
Your dog will not get fat and lazy after being spayed or neutered unless you feed him/her too much.
What happens if your male dog is not neutered?
-They will pee on everything they find on their way: furniture, curtains, shoes, clothes, walls… you get the idea.
-Dogs might be aggressive to other dogs and also hump even other male dogs. Just this fact should give you an idea of what kind of aggression can develop in those circumstances, besides, it’s very embarrassing.
-Even dogs that normally have the most wonderful temperament, can get aggressive towards humans and other dogs. A male will actually attempt to kill any male who he thinks will mate a bitch near him.
Don’t be kind to your dog by “letting try it out at least once”. Once a dog has actually had sex, his behavior can be magnified significantly when coming in contact with fertile bitches.
When a male dog is after a fertile female, breeding is the only thing on his mind. He will do anything that he can think of to get to her: scaling fences, breaking down doors, mating through fences, digging, etc. Besides risking getting sued for any damage, another thing to consider is that you are as responsible as the owner of the female for any puppies that are born.
What happens if your female dog is not spayed?

-First, you can count on having her locked up twice a year to keep her away from all those dogs that I mentioned before.
-Her risk of mammary cancer doubles, although it doubles from almost nothing to very low with only one heat, it climbs quickly thereafter till after 5 heats as it starts to approach 50%. Be very careful that you don’t allow a mating when she gets her first heat because this can be life threatening. It is very important to spay her before the first heat.
-A brother and sister from the same litter can create their own litters by the age of five months. It is not a good idea to allow this to happen.
-Male dogs can sometimes be quite aggressive to a female in season.
-Your house will be a mess, and her behavior will drive you crazy.
After reading all this, you need to ask yourself, “is it really worth it?”
Frankly, in the 99.99% of cases, it is not.
Don’t wait until your dog starts getting sexual drives before you neuter him. In many cases, once the dog starts the misbehavior associated with attempting to breed, that behavior can stay even after the neutering has taken place.
Do yourself, your family, your neighbors and your beloved dogs a favor by getting them spayed and neutered.