Life with cats
Living with a cat is not for the weak. Of all of the creatures on the planet, the cat is pretty sure they are royalty. Perhaps their ego comes from being related to The King himself? Yes, I am sure that’s it. Imagine a dialogue with the king that goes something like this:

“Your human wants you to sit in their lap? Unheard of!”
I smile as I think of the young kitty explaining that it’s not that bad and the lion responds, “Since you are so small, an exception can be made, just be sure your human knows it is only to be tolerated, not enjoyed! Isn’t that just the way it is?
You come home from a long day at work expecting to pet Geisha and relax, only to find Her Highness cannot be bothered at the moment. But that proud countenance is just what you love about her.
Life with a cat begins humbly enough with a tiny ball of fur gently suckling her mother. You are in awe of the silky soft bundle, just itching to hold the mewling creature, an impulse quickly deterred by a low growl from mamma kitty. But soon enough, your little puddy cat is weaned and ready to accept you as her human. Oh, yes, you are their human, they are not your pet! You excitedly go to the pet store to find that Geisha will have more stuff than you ever did! They have kitty condos, royal pet beds, designer food bowls, expensive carriers, and more toys than you could ever imagine. One look in those huge green eyes and out comes the plastic. She licks your hand lovingly and you simply melt.
Home at last. Your furry bundle takes off like a bullet heading straight for the heirloom drapes you just hung in the living room. Kitty Olympics here we come! She rounds the coffee table in a mad dash, back feet spinning on the hardwood floor, will she make it? And UP she goes! That may well be a world record kitty vault! Over the couch and through the chairs to the kitchen counter, the exploration continues until no inch of her new environment has been left untouched. Just when you think you might have made a mistake getting such an energized kitty, she lands in your lap and promptly rolls and then kneads herself comfortable while purring gently as you stroke her fur. Whew! What an introduction!
Well, day one is winding down and with Geisha safely asleep on top her three story condo, you ease off to bed quite satisfied that life with cats, while exhausting, is a good fit. Curling up nice and snug under the covers, you pick up The Shining and lose yourself in the pages.All is quiet, and the moment the maniac goes crazy with the chainsaw you feel a sharp pain in your big toe!Jumping three feet in the air and throwing Mr. King against the wall, it takes a few seconds to discover the culprit of your attack! Geisha pokes her little head from beneath the bed looking about as frightened as you! Laughing until tears roll, you pick up your new friend and realize that your life will never be the same.